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Antonio Carlos de Souza Aranha is a family medical doctor, graduated from Faculdade de Ciências Médicas Santa Casa de São Paulo in 1976. Dr. Aranha specialized in Anthroposophical Medicine at Clinica Tobias, where he has been a collaborator since 1977.

Dr. Aranha has been an intern at both Lukas Klinic and Ita Wegman Klinic in Switzerland. He has founded the Brazilian Association for Anthroposophical Doctors and is both a director and a professor at the Instituto de Terapia Familiar (Family Therapy Institute) in São Paulo and a professor of the course in Waldorf Pedagogy Formation in Cuiabá.

A columnist of the magazine Pais&Filhos, he is frequently asked to give interviews to newspapers and magazines, whether specialized or not.

Since 2010, Dr. Aranha has taken on the administrative and financial re-organization of the Clinica Tobias in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Articles (available in Portuguese)

JOSIANA ARIPPOL is italian, was born in Alexandria (Egypt) and lives in Brazil. She graduated in Business Administration (EAESP da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 1978), and has been active ever since in Organizational Development and in the economic field, where her special concern has been with the Healthy Flow of Money, the blood of the social organism so necessary to the nurturing of initiatives.

She has been involved with social and ecological banking and facilitated study groups in Brazil and Europe with managers, consultants and young people. In addition, she has been at the Centre for Social Development in England, has worked in education (Waldorf education) and in the visualisation of youth and health projects, where her ability to build networks and warmth circles around individuals and organisations has played an important part in the strengthening and fulfillment of ideals.

From 2005-2011, a special focus has been Food Security, and the effects of agro-toxics and transgenics on human and animal health. She organized several events in academic, environmental, governmental, and medical scenery.

Josiana is currently based in Brazil, but she is also active in the Netherlands, Portugal, and Swtitzerland, and collaborates with an ecological magazine that is distributed to 165 countries.