Avenida Brigadeiro, Faria Lima ,3729 - 4º / 5º
CEP 04538-905 • São Paulo • Brazil
Tel.: +55 (11) 3443-6397
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  • Implementation of concepts and practices based on high quality for the whole human being, in academic medical contexts, hospitals and clinics.
  • Support the development and legal integration of appropriate remedies in this sense.
  • Evaluation of projects in the different areas by national and international institutions.
  • Fundraising and allocation of resources.
  • Organization of publications, books and articles in Brazil and abroad.
  • Organization of multidisciplinary groups (businessmen, artists, scientists, teachers, lawyers, NGOs, government, economists, etc.) to observe and study social and economic realities, in order to promote their potential for Good.
  • To support young individuals and youth organizations.